
6 yoga poses to power up your run

Welcome to’s Running School! Over the coming week we’ll provide with you tricks, tips and inspiring stories that will make you want to dusk off those sneakers and get running. Enjoy!

Yoga is the yin to running’s yang. Running promotes fast, goal-driven cardiovascular fitness, while yoga is all about slowing down, letting go of the ego and upping strength and flexibility.

Where running places stress on the body and ramps up the sympathetic nervous system, yoga calms down the body activating the parasympathetic system. When you pound the pavement you place pressure on the joints, but with asanas you soothe and lubricate the joints. Running shortens the breath and tests mental endurance but do some yoga and you’ll deepen the breath and be reminded you’ve got this… no matter the end goal, you’re human and you’re doing the best you can. In short, yoga balances out everything running can’t (and then some). The faster you run, the higher the risk of injury (pulled hammy, niggling knee etc) but add some simple yoga poses into your daily regime and you will not only strengthen the joints, release tension in the fascia (connective tissue), increase mobility, improve posture, lengthen the breath and help you stay centred #winning!

So, whether you’re warming up for your first fun run, or taking on the New York Marathon, add these pre- and post-run poses to power your way to the finish line.


What to expect: Hip openers, hamstring and quad stretches, glute toners, lower back lengtheners and heart openers.

How long for? Hold each pose for three to five breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly through the nose.

MOVE #1 Standing forward fold (Uttanasana)

Bring feet to hip width distance apart, firmly grounding soles of feet to the earth. Bend the knees and begin to fold forward, allowing the torso to drop down. Relax the neck and begin to slowly straighten the legs, allowing the head to melt towards your knees and arms to dangle either side of your body as if completely weightless in space. Allow the hands to then soften to the earth or relax wherever they may land.

What it works: Neck, back, hamstrings, calves and core.

Benefits: A delicious pose for releasing tight hamstrings and calves as well as any tension in the back and neck. It encourages length in the spine (which works wonders for those hunching over a desk all day), tones the core (improving digestion and stimulating metabolism) and helps to calm you (thanks to the fresh blood flows that flows down to the head).

MOVE #2 Three Legged dog (Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana)

Place hands firmly on the ground as you step your feet back to downward dog, keeping feet hip width distance while sending sit bones high to the sky and relaxing the shoulders. From this position, slowly bend the knee arching sole of foot up and then over to the left, allowing right hip to open and stack on top of the left. Keep hands firm, shoulders stable and squared, simply opening the right hip to sky.

What it works: Quads, hips, calves, shoulders, arms.

Benefits: This is an amazing pose for stretching out the quads, opening the hips and feeling out the side body while also building upper body strength and toning glutes and thighs at the same time! Serious all rounder!

MOVE #3 Low crescent lunge (Anjaneyasana)

From three legged dog, draw right knee in towards to chest. Slowly place right foot down between the hands, positioning the foot forward to allow a 90 degree angle from knee to ankle. Tilt the tailbone down and lower the pelvis forward, deepening the lunge and awakening the psoas (hip flexor). Slowly draw arms to sky on your inhale, lighting up the fingertips while subtly wrapping the shoulders in and down and opening heart to sky.

What it works: Thighs, hips, groin, glutes, quads, core, arms, chest.Benefits: One super sweet release for tight hips. By waking up the psoas (the muscle that connects hips to spine) you release lower back tension, allowing length in the spine, while engaging the core, stretching deep into the hip flexors and opening the chest for easy breath flow.

MOVE #4 Half splits (Arda Hanamanasana)

From low lunge, flex right foot back and begin to straighten the leg, making sure to draw right hip back and down in line with left. Hinging from the hips, extend the spine straight forward and down. Relax the neck and drop the head as if kissing the right knee.

What it works: Thighs, hips, calves, hamstrings, groin.

Benefits: The juiciest of juicy hamstring stretches, half splits really gets deep into the hamstring, while opening the hips, stimulating the abdominal organs and in some cases relieving sciatica.

MOVE #5 Lizard lunge (Utthan Pristhasana)

From half splits, bend the right knee, placing right foot back on the ground in low lunge, then edge right foot towards the far right hand corner of the mat, bringing both hands to the inner side of the right foot while keeping left leg straight behind you or dropping the knee to modify. Stay or drop onto the elbows to further intensify the stretch.

What it works: Thighs, glutes, quads, hips, arms, chest.

Benefits: By working deep into the hips, it increases flexibility and allows a full range of motion, working to support the body, while opening and releasing chest, shoulders and neck.

MOVE #6 One legged king pigeon pose (Eka pada rajakapotasana)

From lizard, bring hands back to centre (shoulder width distance apart) and begin to drop the right knee down in line with right wrist while placing flexed left foot towards left wrist – ideally creating a right angle with the right knee (or as best you can) while extending left leg straight behind you. Either leave your hands by your side, or come onto fingertips and edge fingers forward in front of chest, slowly dropping elbows (or maybe chest) to the earth.

Note: The tighter the hips, the harder it will be to form the full angle and that’s completely okay. Just allow your foot to go to where it can but aim to keep hips squared and sit bones melting to the earth (prop the opposing glute up with a block if you need to).

What it works: Glutes, groin, hips, back.

Benefits: By opening the hips, it brings your pelvis back to neutral, relieving the lower back and knees as well as reaching deep into any pockets of tension or emotional pain. The longer you hold the pose, the more you will ease the mind and relax your body. This is my go-to for everything.

Repeat the sequence on the left side. Note: To really mellow out and get the most out of your practise, surrender back into a short savasana aka full body rest (lying down, eyes closed) at the end.

Sam Bailey is a Sydney-based health journalist and yoga teacher. For more follow her at @soulyogabysam

While we’re on the topic, here’s how to how to train for your first marathon. Plus, Sam Wood’s tips for running in the dark and staying safe.

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