
Why you shouldn’t go back to your old workout routine after having a baby

Here’s what to do to get your strength and fitness back without the added pressure, according to an expert. 

Photo: Stocksy

Returning to exercise after having a baby should be an empowering experience. The right type of exercise can help you to build confidence in your body and the strength you need to take on #mumlife.

If you can’t wait to get back into exercise, here are 5 tips that will help you to create a beautiful, fit and strong post natal body.

1. See a women’s health physio

We all recover from birth so differently. A women’s health physio can give you a personal assessment to get you back and running (literally) as fast as possible. They can help you to build your core strength and heal stomach separation. Plus they can show you how to regain strength in your pelvic floor (even if you didn’t do a single kegel during your pregnancy).

Action Item: Make an appointment with your local Women’s Health Physio.

2. Focus on building strength from the inside out

After nine months of your belly stretching, it is normal to have little or no core strength. You may even have stomach separation, a weakened pelvic floor or incontinence. You definitely don’t have to put up with this!

My advice to all new Mums is to build strength from the inside – out. Start strengthening and toning your deep core muscles with postnatal specific exercises.

Action Item: Add five minutes of pelvic floor and core exercises into your day if you can.

3. Follow a program

Get a great post natal program that will help you to progressively build your fitness. These are full of short workouts that you can do at home or in the park without any need for expensive equipment.

Action item: Find a great postnatal exercise guide!

4. Focus on the positive

It can be frustrating when your body can’t do all the things you used to be able to do. Trust me, I've been there. The key is to stop comparing yourself to how you used to be. You have grown a whole human in your body – of course things are going to be different! Shift your focus to how well you are doing now. Be proud of yourself and the positive example you are setting for your children.

Action item: Set a positive intention each time you exercise. One of my favourites is “I am creating a body and life that I love.”

5. Include your baby

Most new Mums struggle to find time to exercise. Get creative and include your baby in your exercise. Try:

• Adding a circuit to your next walk. While your baby is in the pram, find a park bench and complete 10 step-ups + 10 push ups + 10 lunge pulses. Repeat 8, 6, 4 and 2 of each.

• Use your baby carrier. Pop your baby in a baby carrier and do a quick circuit of squats and dips.

• Make your Mother’s Group catch-ups active. Plan to go for a walk. Even chip in to hire a nanny for the hour to play with the babies whilst the Mums work out.

Action item: Include your baby in some form of healthy movement!

Kimmy Smith is the founder of the Fit Mummy Project.

Strengthen your core with this fabulous workout designed specifically for mums .

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