
5 easy ways to sneak more exercise into your day

More exercise in less time

It’s a new (and very come) season, and with the change of weather and longer days ahead, it’s time to let go of one of the most common excuses to skip exercise: ‘I just don’t have time.’

“If you’re saying you don’t have enough time, or anyone to be active with – you need to start thinking cleverly. Go for a walking meeting, park further away at the shopping centre, or commit to spending even 15 minutes a day walking around the block at lunch time,” says Women’s Health researcher,

The bonus? “This incidental activity can reduce your anxiety by bringing you back to the here and now, rather than regretting the past or being anxious about the future.” Important for the 40 per cent of you who have been diagnosed, according to the latest study results.

Here, celebrity personal trainer and owner of Flow Athletic, Ben Lucas, shares the sneaky ways you can get moving, without even noticing. Take notes.

1. Take the stairs

If you’re not living or working on the 20th floor of a high-rise building then I see no reason why you shouldn’t take the stairs over the lift.

Taking the stairs not only has the potential to raise your heart rate, but it’s also a great way to tone your glutes, thighs and if you suck in your stomach while you do it, even your core.

The stairs are a great way to get some incidental exercise in so make sure you take them whenever possible. If your only option is the escalator, walk up it, don’t just stand there.

2. Try to move every hour

I know this may sound tough, especially when you’re ‘in the zone’ but moving for just one minute every hour can make a world of difference to your health, digestion, posture and energy levels.

Get up for a stretch, a bathroom break or to fill up your drink bottle at a water fountain that you have to walk to. That way you can remain hydrated, too.

If your boss is open to it, some companies are now implementing an active minute every few hours. This can be a one minute plank, or high knees, or walk etc. just to get the team moving and energised again.

pull up bar

3. Get your friends involved and challenge each-other

There are some fitness trackers, such as the Apple Watch, that not only tracks your activity levels, but it allows you to sign your friends up so you can see how your friends are tracking each day. This means you can ensure that you stay ahead of them and/ or you can motivate and encourage each other if you see someone slipping.

The Apple Watch has 3 rings on it that must be completed each day. The Move ring shows you how many active calories you have burnt, the Exercise ring shows how many minutes of brisk activity you have completed that day and the stand rung you can only close if you stand for at least 1 minute during 12 different hours in the day.

This way you can also measure how much activity you are doing each day, keeping you accountable as well.

4. For a walk instead of a coffee

Instead of having a coffee meeting or catch up, consider meeting up for a walk instead. Not only do you get active, but nature and fresh air is great for your mood and your mind so you may even come up with even better ideas as a result

5. Take the bus

Instead of driving door to door, considering leaving earlier and walking to work or to public transport. At least you will be getting some exercise in between destinations that way

If you have a meeting during the day that is walking distance and you can spare the time, consider walking. It will give you time to think about the content of the meeting and prepare.

Feeling bored to go to gym ?  try this at pull-up bar at home