The 3 exercises that guarantee a six pack
Work your abs with this nerve-busting Torsion Bar workout.
Photo: Reebok
It can seem like an impossible goal, developing a six-pack. However, with proper, targeted exercises and the right diet you will see results. These three exercises are perfect to target every aspect of your core while boosting your fitness levels.
Russian twist
This exercise targets the obliques – an area that is under-worked in the average sit-up. You can use a medicine ball or Torsion Bar to perform the move.
- Sit on the floor with your knees up and grip the bar in your hands
- Raise your heels if the ground and “row” the bar to the left and then to the right. Remember to keep your back straight and your core engaged.
- Ensure that your eyes follow the bar so you get a good trunk rotation.
Photo: Supplied/ Torsion BarsSource:BodyAndSoul
Torsion bar sit-up
This exercise is similar to an average sit-up but uses a weight to add in that extra abdominal challenge, and can also be done with a dumbbell.
- Lay on your back with your knees up and grip the bar with both hands at shoulder width.
- Lift the bar above you in a “bench press” position.
- Lift your upper body up into a sit-up, maintaining straight arms. The aim is to press your arms so you’re lifting the bar into the sky as much as possible.
Photo: Torsion Bars/ SuppliedSource:BodyAndSoul
Abdominal V-Ups are a total core movement, working on both the upper and lower abdominal muscles, as well as your back muscles. This is a more advanced ab exercise so make sure to do some lower back and leg stretching before you begin. The aim is to touch your toes during this exercise, if you can’t that’s okay, but it’s a sign that increased flexibility should be one of your fitness goals.
- Begin by lying down on your back and extending the arms overhead with your palms facing the ceiling. Have your legs straight and feet together.
- Simultaneously lift your upper body and your legs until you are in a ‘V’ shape with your body. Reach your hands towards your toes.
- Slowly lower yourself back down. For more of a challenge, try not to touch the floor when you lower.
Photo: Torsion Bars/ SuppliedSource:BodyAndSoul
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May 3, 20172:27pm