How to train for your first marathon
You’ve got the dream, but now you need direction. A marathon expert shares his five tips for success.
Photo: Instagram@lauradundovic
Running your first marathon is a daunting prospect. Many people abandon their goal before getting to the start line. Or they suffer from injury either before or during the race.
It doesn’t have to be this way, says David Gething, winner of the 2015 World Marathon Challenge and the author of Relentless: Seven Marathons, Seven Continents, Seven Days. Here are his top five tips for success:
1. Set Your timeline
Choose your marathon. Be it local, interstate or overseas, you need a specific marathon to plan towards. For new runners, I’d suggest giving yourself 8-12 months to train and prepare. More experienced runners or people with a sporting background may only need 4-6 months to get ready. Why? Most marathon training programs are 16 weeks in length, but before you begin this you should be comfortable running about ten kilometres non-stop. Finally, choose a few shorter local races (10km, half marathon) along your training plan so stay motivated and get used to race day challenges.
2. Don’t go it alone
Join a local running group, or enlist the help of enthusiastic friends. Runners are passionate and friendly – we’ll help answer all those questions that you’ll have, as well as help keep you motivated and keep it enjoyable. Make sure to involve your family too, they are often a great support. They’ll enjoy watching you on your journey and may even be convinced to join you on it. There’s nothing better for a relationship than to share a life goal.
3. Get the right gear
Invest in a good quality pair of running shoes. Many running shops will be able to analyse your running gait on a treadmill and use the information to select the best shoe. Good quality socks and running clothes also make all the difference. A chafing pair of shorts or a blister on the foot can turn a great run into a miserable day out.
4. Start small
Running huge distances or large volumes is a sure-fire recipe for injury if you’re just getting started. I would suggest beginning with 3 or 4 runs per week. Three of those runs should be just a few kilometres, and one run can be the long run, roughly twice the distance. As a beginner speed isn’t important, and I’ll often suggest to new runners that they start by running for five minutes then walking for one minute to allow some recovery. Running volume should increase by no more than ten percent per week, allowing rest time and preventing injury.
5. Look at the big picture
A healthy diet will allow you to fuel yourself for the runs, build the muscle and body, whilst helping trim off any excess fat. Try to fit in a few dedicated alcohol-free days every week. Rest is vital. Make sure you’re getting a good night’s sleep, and if you’re feeling tired your body is trying to tell you something – take the day off. And remember that life is not just about your race – it’s about balancing the responsibilities and enjoyment of family, work and hobbies.
Former elite gymnast Lauren Hannaford takes you through the exercises to do in order to improve your flexibility fast.
May 5, 201710:01am