The ten-minute workout you should do every morning before work
It’s quick, relatively painless and is equal to just about one round of snoozing. #NoExcuses
Photo: iStock
If you hit that snooze button on repeat and you’ve perfected the 9-minute nap (you know, until it goes off again), we can relate. Getting up in the morning is hard (very hard) and those extra minutes of shut-eye? It can be what makes or breaks a day.
Now, we’re not suggesting you change up your 7am, 7.03am, 7.07am alarm scenario (the struggle is real) but instead, hit snooze just one less time and fit this 10-minute workout into your morning.
RELATED: Push ups vs burpees: Which exercise is best?
This will get your feel-good hormones flowing, pump some oxygen into your brain and wake you up far more effectively than another round of disrupted zzzs will – we promise.
Plus, you have the added benefit of feeling smug all day, which should be incentive enough on its own.
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In that time, personal trainer Matthew Flynn recommends you squeeze in a quick high intensity cardio circuit.
“A good one to try is five burpees, followed by five push-ups and then five squats every minute for 10 minute,” says Flynn.
These high impact exercises work your core, cardiovascular system, upper body, legs and glutes.
“In saying that, I would probably recommend setting your alarm 20 minutes earlier, to make more time for more reps and a wider variety of exercises. This will be more effective in terms of reaching and maintaing your long-term goals. As we all know, there is no short-cut to good health,” says Flynn.
“Generally speaking, exercise needs to be a priority if you want results. And it shouldn’t be something done as an afterthought for just 10 minutes a day – although if that’s what gets you started, something is of course better than nothing,” says Flynn.
RELATED: The one exercise you need to do to boost your strength
October 11, 201610:53am