This 5-minute workout will burn more kgs than an hour class
Time: it’s the number one excuse we use to get out of working up a sweat every day. Stat. Our lives are so busy these days that even going for a quick stroll around the block at lunch has become a thing of the past. But it’s officially time to stop making excuses (soz), and setting aside five short minutes to get your heart rate up with this intense AF workout.
To break it down to you and prove everyone has the time to workout, five-minutes is 0.0035 per cent of your day, which works out to be even less than it sounds seeing as though the average person spends 90 minutes in a single day on their phone scrolling through social media.
The workout is part of Lauren Hannaford’s new fitness program, FHIT – an online streaming workout program you can do anywhere, anytime, and with no equipment. Literally, you can pump it out while waiting for your lunch to heat-up in the microwave.
So here’s to no excuses and hello to a new you. And hey, pretty soon the weather will start warming up and we know you’ll be thanking us then.
Lauren Hannaford’s 5-minute FHIT fix workout
- Knees up run with arms – 30 seconds
- Side shuttles – 30 seconds
- Hurdle hops – 30 seconds
- Wide feet burpees 30 seconds
- Rest – 30 seconds
2nd set (move quicker)
- Knees up run with arms – 30 seconds
- Side shuttles – 30 seconds
- Hurdle hops – 30 seconds
- Wide feet burpees 30 seconds
- Rest – 30 seconds
If you are wanting to step it up and turn it into a longer workout then repeat the workout twice more to make it a 15-minute FHIT fix.
The FHIT workout video library offers three phases of training programs at various levels of intensity. The workouts range from 15 to 30 and 45-minutes and there are also quick add on options of 5 and 7-minute burner workouts. To learn more about Lauren’s FHIT program, head to her website or follow her on Instagram @lozhannaford.
For more workouts, this women’s workout will burn body fat no matter what your fitness level. Plus, Scott Gooding’s workout is what everyone on the keto diet should be doing.
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