Wednesday Word Workouts: Inspire
Elite gymnast and personal trainer Lauren Hannaford’s body sculpting workout will have you sweating.
Photo: supplied
Each Wednesday Lauren Hannaford takes us through a gruelling workout, inspired by a word, that will get your body summer ready in no time. This week, the word is INSPIRE.
Push ups
Hands flat on the floor with arms locked in straight to start.
Keep belly button pulled in and bottom squeezed to help keep core switched on.
Start knees off the ground, do as many as you can then place knees on ground if you need to.
Squat Jumps
Keep your core switched on, heels pressed into the floor as you jump, your chest up and bottom tucked under. Touch the floor with both hands in front of you as you squat.
Plank star jumps
Hands flat on the floor with arms locked in straight to start.
Feel like you are pulling you belly button into your spine and keep your bottom squeezed to help keep core switched on. From here jump your feet outward to shoulder width apart and then back together.
Tricep Dips
Place feet shoulder width apart and hands flat on the ground behind you. Lift your bottom off the floor and engage your core. Whilst keeping your core engage dip to bend at the elbow then push back up to straight arms. Keep bottom off the ground the whole time.
Step back lunges
Start feet should width apart – hands can be placed on hips or arms out straight to the side. Step back to place foot behind you and bend both knees. Press from your front heel to stand back together. Keep shoulders up and straight as possible.
Alternate feet stepping back.
High knee runs on spot
Press out of the ball of your foot and use your core to drive each knee upto hip level with every step. Make sure you are on an even surface for safety.
November 2, 20162:52pm